
State of Mind

State of Mind* is a travelling exhibit themed around different philosophies and lifestyles from around the world. Designed to be set up in a large variety of spaces, the exhibit consists of seven individual panels that can be rearranged as necessary to allow easy passage through the space. Each panel gives information about a different philososphy, including a definition of the word itself and a basic pronunciation guide.  Here, the panels are shown in their ideal layout.

Environmental / Experiential Design
Time Spent:
6 Weeks - January-February 2020

*State of Mind is a fictional exhibit - this exhibit does not exist in real life.

7 Philosophies Laid Out-View 4
7 Philosophies Laid Out-View 1
7 Philosophies Laid Out-View 3
7 Philosophies Laid Out-View 2

CONTACT: +1.650.996.2568  |  emarshall.designs@gmail.com
Copyright © 2023 Evan Marshall

+1.650.996.2568  emarshall.designs@gmail.com

Copyright © 2023 Evan Marshall